We are into it – our soils
All flavors of our wines are designed in the soils. We plant the type of vine to fit the soil and specifically syntonize the soil maintenance and the care of the vines. In the wine cellars we expose the aroma of the vineyard and modulate the flavors to a well-balanced character. Each year is different and each vintage has new peculiarities. But the typical sensory impressions of the location make it recognizable where a wine was grown:
Oberweseler Oelsberg

Directed south and on account of the mild microclimate the vines in the Oberweseler Oelsberg reliably generate high Öchsle degrees, even in years with inconstant weather. For this reason, we started the recultivation of this outstanding location more than 30 years ago. The soil of the Oelsberg is marked by its intermingling of slate, loess clay and variegated sandstone. The slate stores the heat, the loess clay brings a mineral touch and the sandstone causes a rich scent and a smooth sensation in the mouth.
With its exotic fruity and spicy notes, the Oelsberg offers an overwhelming variety of flavors. The Oberweseler Oelsberg is a steep vineyard. The exhausting hand work in the Oelsberg is recompensed by a gorgeous panoramic view on the Rhine and Oberwesel.
Oberweseler In der Rheinhell

The small location In der Rheinhell is situated in the famous Oberweseler Oelsberg. This extremely steep vineyard hosts our oldest ungrafted Riesling vines. With more than 70 years they belong to the oldest vines of the Middle Rhine. Usually, these vines would have been pecked out during the land consolidation. Therefore on only 2.000 vines we produce a very special rarity. In the small quantity of grapes growing at the old vines, the flavors are highly concentrated. Together with the ideal maturing conditions this brings a prominent uniqueness to the wine.

Engehöller Bernstein

A location whose geology is dominated by brown and grey slate, which brings out the mineral character in taste and aroma. The result is a wine with a light, fine structure.
And it is just this reserved and elegant character which gives the wine, with its fine note which connoisseurs describe as white peach, its special tone and makes it so unique and impressive. The steep vineyards require a lot of handwork cultivation care as well as handwork harvesting.

“Am Lauerbaum” is the centerpiece of the Engehöller Bernstein. Due to the southern position the grapes benefit from a lot of sun and ripen to an elite level. »Großes Gewächs« or »edelsüß«, wines from this location are characterized by particularly intense flavors and a long-lasting freshness.
Engehöller Goldemund

The location Engehöller Goldemund is situated in the Engehöll valley as well, but it shows a distinctly difference in the aroma of the wine. The soil is also dominated by grey and brown slate but complementary there are veins of quartzite and a high clay content. The quartzite provides the vines and their grapes with all minerals. The clay stores the humidity even in hot summers and allows the grapes to lay in more fruit flavors.
This location gives the wine a special clarity, with fresh full flavors and an abundance of typical fruit and citrus notes. This vineyard requires a lot of handwork, too.
Winkler Hasensprung

Last but not least a vineyard in the location Winkler Hasensprung in the Rheingau was added to our winery. The location is facing south to south-east and the soil is multilayered with profound loess as well as flat grit and loess clay. The vines in the upper area soak up the sun and the west wind helps just as the cool air coming to the valley in the evening to grow healthy grapes. The various microclimate and the fertile ground composition bring out wines with an eminent fruitiness and an elegant acidity.
Rheingau? How can a vineyard in the Rheingau belong to a winery at the Middle Rhine? This vineyard appertained to the family of Anja Lanius-Kastien and it was her grandfather to plant the Pinot Noir vines here in 1988.
Are you curious to find out how the locations taste in our wines? Visit us for a wine tasting.